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Astigmatism is where the cornea is shaped like a rugby ball rather than a football. Due to this curvature, all light rays cannot focus clearly onto the retina and causes an uneven focus. Astigmatism is often combined with shortsightedness or long-sightedness.
Solution: To have the correct glasses or contact lenses specially designed to counteract astigmatism.

Myopia (Short sightedness)

Being shortsighted is one of the most common eye conditions. This occurs when objects in the distance appear blurred due to the eyeball being too long or because the eyes’ natural lens has a higher focusing power. This therefore creates a blurred image onto the retina.
Solution: To be corrected by glasses or contact lenses where they will focus the light rays onto the retina forming a clear image in the eye.

Hyperopia (Long Sight)

Again, being long-sighted is a very common condition. This is where the eyeball is too short and the light rays from objects in the distance are focused behind the retina or the power in the eye is not high enough.
Solution: To be corrected by glasses or contact lenses where they will reflect the light rays to be focused onto the retina to form a clear image in the shortened eye.


Presbyopia is a condition where the ability to focus on nearby objects decreases with age as the flexibility of the natural lenses to adjust to a curved form in order to see nearby object diminishes. The approximate distance in which a person will find difficulty in reading is 30cm.
Solution: To be corrected by glasses or contact lenses that will compensate for the reduced ability of the natural lenses to curve in order to see nearby objects. This is where the introduction of varifocals or bifocals may be necessary.


Glaucoma is an eye disease that may be present for many reasons and causes the gradual degeneration of the optical nerve. This may be caused by a lack of blood supply to the eye, high intra-ocular pressure or genetics.
It is very important that if you have Glaucoma within the family that you get your eyes tested regularly as this condition can go unnoticed and can be extremely painful.


If you have diabetes or you are prone to diabetes, it is recommended that you have your eye tests regularly as diabetes can cause changes to the blood vessels of the retina, which if not controlled, will cause the blood vessels to bleed and will pose a great risk to your vision. It is essential to keep your eyesclosely monitored as this condition can in turn cause cataracts to occur earlier than usual.


Cataracts’ occurs when there is a clouding of the lens due to the gradual ageing of the lens in the eye. This will cause the eye to have impairment of normal visual functions such as watching TV, reading and even recognising faces. The lens may appear more brown or even white if the cataract is in its later stages.
Solution: To correct cataracts, there is a fairly simple and common surgical procedure that will extract the cataract out and replace it with an artificial lens that will create a clear and accurate vision that will take into immediate effect.